BMW Customz offering you a major upgrade (flashing) from NBTEvo iDrive 4 to iDrive 6 activation of Apple CarPlay Fullscreen Screen Mirroring (Android) VIM (Video In Motion)
Our custom TAL works stable without reboots when using the CarPlay Fullscreen. Tested many times (Over 500 units flashed). This is a stable and the best solution on the market available.
We recommend using CarPlay for navigation as the NBT EVO ID4 has 2GB RAM, it may cause the unit to restart if you calculate longer distances in the original BMW navigation maps. However if you’re using CarPlay, then you will not have any issues.
In most instances, it is possible to revert back to ID4. Please note if you want us to revert back, you would have to pay for it to be reverted and you will not be refunded the fee for ID6 flash.
To Check Firmware Version – Go to Navigation -> Press Options Button -> Go to Settings -> Go to Position & Version History -> Check Version - You will see NBTEVO_XXXXX
Your map version has to be NBTEvo_XXXXX (NBTEvo_A / NBTEvo_C / NBTEvo_D / NBTEvo_E / NBTEvo_F).
All REGIONS Supported.