Mūsų CP2A adapteriai siūlo plačias sąrankos parinktis Palaikome "Android" ir "Apple" mobiliuosius telefonus be perjungimo ir paleidimo iš naujo.
- Naudojamas trijų antenų belaidžio ryšio modulis, belaidis ryšys yra 2T2R, didžiausias greitis gali siekti 866 Mbps, palaikomas jutiklinio kilimėlio veikimas.
- Greitis yra tik 433 MB/s, be to, nepalaikomas jutiklinio kilimėlio veikimas.
- 1-CarlinKit 4.0 Nereikia išmontuoti automobilio, USB plug & play dizainas. Pirmą kartą suporavus mobilųjį telefoną, jį galima sklandžiai prijungti automatiškai, kai automobilis vėl užvedamas, ir prasideda maloni kelionė.
- Išlaikomos originalios automobilio funkcijos - balsas, jutiklinis ekranas, rankenėlės ir vairo valdymas.
- Palaikomi internetiniai atnaujinimai ir techninės rekomendacijos internetu. 2-Dirba su daugiau kaip 98 % gamyklinių laidinių "CarPlay" automobilių. Turi A ir C tipo USB kabelius, tinkamus įvairių markių modeliams ir skirtingiems lizdams.
Our CP2A adapters offer extensive setup options We support Android and Apple mobile phones without switching and restarting. The wireless module used is three antennas, the wireless is 2T2R, the maximum speed can reach 866Mbps, and touchpad operation is supported. The speed of some competing products is only 1R1T (2R2T refers to two antennas, 2 receiving and 2 sending), the speed is only 433MBps, and does not support touchpad operation
1-CarlinKit 4.0 No need to dismantle the car, USB plug & play design. After the mobile phone is paired for the first time, it can be seamlessly connected automatically when the car is restarted, and a pleasant journey begins. The original car features - voice, touchscreen, knobs, and steering wheel controls are retained. Support online upgrades and online technical guidance.
2-Works with more than 98% factory wired CarPlay cars. Equipped with USB Type-A and USB Type-C cables, suitable for models of various brands and different sockets
3-CarlinKit 4.0 is a wireless car adapter for android auto and CarPlay. It turns wired into wireless like a magician, making it easier for you and your family to use online navigation while listening to music while traveling by car, and is suitable for phones with both an Android phone and an iPhone. Applicable to IOS10/Android 11
4-5G Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/5.8GHZ connection speed is fast, even if the phone is in your pocket, it can be easily recognized. Real-time transmission allows you to use the navigation or listen to music smoothly, creating a pleasant driving atmosphere. CarlinKit 4.0 dongle provides you with a safe and stable driving environment and can also enjoy music, etc. for you